Metal objects made out of nails
Tomio Matsumura
Born in December of 1951
After working for 43 years in the steel industry, I saw great potential in a screw doll used in a town renewal project. Forming a network and gathering the materials myself, I started creating artworks seriously.
Through various motifs in my work, challenging myself to a genre from then on, I want to use nails to their maximum potential.
I want more people to experience the charms of screw art. Best regards from “Screw Art” metal crafters in Katsuyama, Fukui.
Although “Screw Art” falls under the genre of metalwork, it is not only made of metal, as the name suggests. I create 100% stainless steel figures with screws, nuts and washers.
Screws are generally used as a fastener to attach things to each other, but their characteristic shape of the material can be considered art — I take pride in the beauty of “Screw Art,” which combines these two functions.
Generally, metal is cold, heavy, hard, lacking the warmth of an animal, lacking a smooth dynamism and liveliness. It is “Screw Art” that breathes life into metal.