In his artistic work, the artist Marian Gayk deals intensivelywith the representation of individual personalities. In hisgraphic works, which are classically realized as drawings on paper, he develops an individual formal language in personal consultation with his models, which is then reflected in hisdrawings in his portraits and figure representations. The models are usually embedded in detailed graphic elements, which use recurring details to contrast with the gentlerdepictions of the people. In the end, he combines thesedifferent parts into his drawing process to form a closedcompositional unit and a very individual and personal visuallanguage is created.
The works shown in the exhibition “Binding” are the firstrepresentation of the artist’s artistic work in Japan and are partof a whole series of drawings that the artist has created overthe last two and a half years in collaboration with Japaneseand South Korean models, photographers and artists realized.
Marian Gayk (*1987) lives and works in North Rhine-Westphalia. He studied at the Art Academy in Münster, wherehe graduated in 2016 as a master student of Henk Visch. Since2017 he has been working as a freelance artist at home and abroad.